Today’s seniors are increasingly tech-savvy. A 2021 study found that 61% of American adults, age 65 and over own a smartphone, while 83%, age 50 to 64, own one. And according to a report from McKnight’s Senior Living, 58% of senior living operators plan to invest in new technology. As older adults and their families explore options for continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs), technology is becoming an increasingly important factor.

Technology at CCRCs

Having technology available in all areas of CCRCs has become a baseline requirement. Today’s seniors see the benefits of using technology, which allows them to attend online classes or training sessions; coordinate services, such as transportation; and order meals.

Smart Technologies

Increasingly, CCRCs are implementing smart technologies to help increase efficiencies and boost resident satisfaction. Our Sodexo Seniors teams are implementing two key technologies to improve operational efficiencies: task robots and temperature sensors.

Task Robots

These “robotic butlers,” of sorts, facilitate senior care community operations and senior member experiences. Task robots can deliver food to residents—up to eight plates at a time. CCRCs are also using these robots for special-occasion tasks, such as delivering a birthday cake and singing “Happy Birthday” to a resident. Task robots can free up staff members to concentrate on other duties.

Temperature Sensors

Temperature sensors help monitor and regulate senior communities and care centers by integrating sensors with monitoring platforms, such as computers or tablets. The sensors provide operational efficiencies by automating the daily tasks of monitoring refrigerator and freezer temperatures. The sensors monitor food temperatures on delivery, during storage, during cooking, and while being served to residents, which reduces the risk of inventory loss because they alert operators if cooling equipment breaks down (e.g., overnight or when closed).

CCRCs can also use temperature sensors on medication refrigeration or in food service refrigerators or freezers to be sure medications, foods, and drinks are kept at safe temperatures.

Seniors and their families will increasingly come to expect that CCRCs offer the latest in technological options both in rooms and throughout their community. Is it time for your community to evaluate your technological offerings to be sure you are ready for the next wave of seniors? Contact a member of your Sodexo Seniors team if you would like more information on task robots or temperature sensors.

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