
Sodexo Unveils First International Sustainable Food Barometer

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“At Sodexo, we are committed to leading the way to a more sustainable future for people and the planet, and this barometer provides valuable data toward achieving our ambitious goals.”
Sarosh Mistry, CEO, Sodexo North America 


Cutting Carbon Emissions

We’re looking to cut harmful carbon emissions everywhere we can. From helping clients reduce energy use to sourcing responsibly within our network of diverse suppliers including over 1,400 U.S. farmers, we follow the principles of the circular economy. We also collaborate with industry peers to co-develop sustainable products and services. When it comes to the planet, we’re all in this together.

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    Sustainable Packaging = Less Waste

    Global challenges call for collective action, such as package waste. Sodexo is a key player in a cross-industry industry group of experts helping operators find, compare and procure sustainable foodware and packaging with ease.
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    Cut Carbon, Save Money with Utility Expense Management

    Utility bills are a pain point for businesses and consumers alike. Inefficient systems and practices also contribute to carbon emissions. Our Utility Expense Management program helps clients save money, reduce emissions and stay in compliance by tracking, managing and improving utility use.
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    Fresh, Local, Healthy: Supporting Regenerative Agriculture

    In northern California, Sodexo’s Good Eating Company is supporting BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) farmers in using regenerative agriculture practices. Sourcing from these diverse suppliers, we serve our clients the best in fresh, sustainable produce.

Reducing Food Waste

We have an aggressive target to cut food waste: 50% reduction at 85% of our U.S. sites by 2025. Our WasteWatch by Leanpath program is the strongest tool in our arsenal — an easy-to-use scale system that tracks and measures kitchen food waste, providing reports and recommendations to enable our chefs to reduce future food waste. We also repurpose and donate extra food, which supports our commitment to feeding hungry people.

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    Cut Food Waste, Save Money

    At Sodexo sites across the country, operators are tracking food waste to refine how much they cook, serve and order. Parkview Medical Center in Indiana is one kitchen where consistently measuring food waste has led to a positive financial and environmental impact.
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    Donating Excess Food to Fight Hunger

    No one wants perfectly good food to go to landfills. Especially when so many people are hungry. At National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C., Sodexo Executive Chef Annette Oliveras makes sure safe, edible excess food makes its way to those in need through the non-profit Food Rescue US.
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    Reenvisioning Food Trimmings

    In the Sodexo Good Eating Company’s dining rooms of California tech companies, employees enjoy soups, sauces and pestos made from food trimmings and “upcycled” products with an auditable supply chain showing positive environmental impact. It’s a win for our environment, landfills and plates.

Promoting Plant-Based Plates

We’re excited about the growing demand for plant-based foods and its potential impact on carbon emissions. We’re committed to making 33% of main dishes on planned menus plant-based by 2025; in our Campus segment, we’ll shift 50% of planned entrées to plant-based. And 100% of our U.S. consumers will be offered healthy options every day by 2025. Across the country, our chefs prove plant-based eating is delicious, healthy and sustainable.

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    Good Medicine: Patients Savor Plant-Based Meals

    At New York City Health + Hospitals, patients have embraced plant-based meals. After a successful pilot program with the city, edamame falafel and kabocha squash are popular fare, along with meals inspired by the flavors of Latin America, Asia and other places representing the diverse population.
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    Raising Healthy Fruit and Veggie Fans

    Sodexo’s Chef Michael Morris has a mission: to train kids’ palates — from elementary to high school students — to love fruits, veggies and worldly flavors. The innovative Edgy Veggies program has kids craving sweet potato tacos and apple-glazed carrots.
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    The Future of Campus is Plant-Based and Sustainable

    Today’s college students want more plant-based dishes. And the Knorr & World Wildlife Fund’s Future 50 Foods list is full of biodiverse, affordable and flavorful foods delivering low environmental impact and high nutrition. Read how the University of Vermont serves up inspiring, sustainable Future Foods.

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