Food Services
We are the global leader in sustainable food and valued experiences at every moment in life: learn, work, heal and play. We believe in creating a better day for everyone to build a better life for all.
Powered by more than 104,000 passionate employees across the United States and 430,000 globally, we provide food services and facilities management expertise to more than 1,600 clients every day to create a better day for everyone.
Our expertly crafted nutritious, delicious meals and menus weave in local tastes and ingredients to bring the food you want, when you want, where you want. Our food and space experiences invite comfort, connection and collaboration into your spaces. Whether it be schools, medical settings, offshore facilities or anything in between — we partner with you to make each bite and sip special.
From managing design and engineering services to optimizing energy usage to cleaning and disinfection services, our comprehensive facilities management solutions are designed with comfort, safety and productivity in mind.
Our people make our commitment to service excellence possible. When people feel a sense of belonging, they act with purpose — from championing sustainability goals to volunteering in our communities. From this sense of purpose, we thrive individually and collectively, contributing to a more positive future for all.
Employees in the United States
Locations across the country
Stop Hunger beneficiaries in the United States in 2023
Global commitment to ethics, business integrity and human rights
Our Involvement in the Justice System
About Sodexo Group
North America Leadership Team
Our family of brands is meticulously crafted with the customer experience at its core, ensuring a diverse array of nourishing and sustainable food options and experiences accessible across various settings, times of day and individual preferences.
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