women talking to a chef

A Global Commitment to Ethics, Business Integrity and Human Rights

As a community, we’re only as strong as the impact we make. Our ethical principles enable us to care for the people we help and the people we work with. 

Learn more

Our Ethical Principles

We value loyalty: We nurture our relationships with clients and employees. 

We value respect for people: We cultivate consideration for all human beings.

We value transparency: We deliver information with precision. 

We value business integrity: We only grow through fair practices.


three workers looking a laptop

Code of Conduct

Whether we’re fighting corruption, providing accurate financial statements or protecting privacy, our teams can always refer to our Code of Conduct titled “Business Integrity Guide.”
someone typing on a celphone

Speak Up Ethics Line

Our Speak Up Ethics Line allows everyone (employees, business partners, suppliers, clients, etc.) to report ethical concerns in a confident and confidential way. It provides complete protection from retaliatory action, along with a timely and effective resolution. It is available by phone and web, 24/7, 365 days a year, in the language of your choice.
a chef talking with another one

Human Rights

We commit to respecting safety, diversity, dignity, equality, freedom, children, employees representation and migrant workers, as well as lawful wages, benefits and worktime.
someone testing the food temperature

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct ensures that everyone on our chain respects people and the planet, whether by ensuring equal pay or by managing waste sustainably.