Infection Prevention Week: Tips from the Frontline

Recently I’ve been privileged to serve as interim CEO of Sodexo Healthcare in the U.S. As CEO of Sodexo Seniors, this was a natural extension for me as the two segments share so much in terms of how we deliver services that support wellness, dedicated care, and a commitment to excellence.

What I have witnessed in this role is that the incredible partnerships we enjoy in Sodexo Seniors are also enjoyed by our dedicated colleagues with their client partners in Healthcare. And the success of these partnerships consistently relies on science combined with the human element to fuel our commitment to optimizing experiences for patients and residents alike.

October 17th to 23rd is International Infection Prevention Week. In light of the importance this week serves for both Healthcare and Seniors, I wanted to share insights that Sodexo has recognized as essential in order for our teams in both industries to support the health and well-being of our customers.

  • Change your approach. We must be proactive in addressing the spread of infection. The significance of Infection Prevention Week is to get ahead of outbreaks before they happen. Change of routine is one of the most challenging training opportunities for team members, so we rely on science to explain why we might need to hit a reset button.
  • Record and document. What isn’t measured can’t be improved. It’s vital that along with the standard documentation of infections and illness, these instances are carefully monitored to observe trends and to test the effectiveness of solutions. That's why SIRs (standardized infection ratios) are even more informative than rates, because rates are not risk stratified.
  • Train and support. With COVID, we all developed a newfound appreciation for infection prevention, but it’s easy to let things slide. Continually reinforcing protocol – especially for new team members – assures observation of safe practices.

At Sodexo Seniors, we implement these practices in our Reassure program, improving infection control for better community protection and reassurance of safety. Through Reassure, Sodexo Seniors has partnered with Bureau Veritas, instituting a semi-annual certification process whereby our client sites are awarded the distinction of “Hygiene Excellence Assurance."

We're committed to the health and well-being of residents and staff, and to improving satisfaction. Backed by science, I'm proud that we are uniquely able to share knowledge across industries and geographies – together with our partners – to bring best in class service to residents.