A senior uses vending services

Generation Tech Isn’t Who You Think It Is

Published on : 12/18/19
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    Yes, Millenials and Gen Zs are digital natives, but there’s a generation that sometimes gets overlooked when we think about digital transformation. That would be seniors. And, overlooking them would be a mistake. In fact, seniors are some of the biggest advocates and users of tech breakthroughs.

    People are living longer and as they do, they are healthier for longer. Estimates say there are about 962 million people over the age of 60 today. They make up a “Silver Tsunami” which spends an excess of $15 trillion annually.

    Disruptors are noticing. Right now, a robot is being designed to enable women and men to connect to family and friends and offer medication reminders.

    The technology was developed to fix problems that current workers are not resourced to offer. For example, driverless cars might soon offer on-demand breakfast delivery and shuttle services to appointments.

    “Seniors are poised to be some of the most empowered users of coming breakthroughs,” said Sodexo’s Bruno Vaquette, the head of the company’s Seniors segment.

    Learn more about Sodexo Senior Living services & dining.