black female doctor with black man patient

Outsourcing Evidence-Based Clinical Nutrition 

Experience seamless healthcare solutions tailored to your needs so you can elevate patient care with Sodexo's data-driven expertise and commitment to clinical nutrition.  

Contact us

Clinical Nutrition Services Backed by Data 

A dedicated focus on nutrition therapy can reduce risk of readmission by 24% in hospitalized patients who are malnourished or at nutritional risk and decrease odds of mortality by 55% in critically ill patients when enteral nutrition is initiated within 24 hours of ICU admission.1,2 

Delivering Better Clinical Nutrition Outcomes 

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    Improve Patient Outcomes 

    Reduce patient mortality and increase speed of recovery through an evidence-based approach to nutrition 
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    Systemize Nutrition Science 

    Increase operational efficiency in driving forward strategic nutrition science initiatives with a systematic approach 
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    Increase Revenue 

    Increase revenue and help avoid additional costs through reductions in readmissions and lengths of stays 
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    Empower Dietitians 

    Reduce burdens on other healthcare professionals by empowering dietitians to practice at the top of their scope 
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    Hire and Retain Top Talent 

    Improve hiring and retention of top dietitian talent through Sodexo’s comprehensive training and educational programs 

Efficient, Effective and Consistent Clinical Nutrition Services with Clinicia™ 

Clinicia is a foundational framework for systematically delivering nutrition services that can increase your healthcare system’s efficiency, effectiveness and consistency in the delivery of care.   

National Nutrition Leadership Team: Guidance from above-the-unit subject matter experts who conduct clinical research and develop nutrition solutions to support your on-site teams with the latest innovations and best practices from around the globe.  

Operational Excellence in Clinical Care: Clinical nutrition expertise paired with advanced leadership training like Lean Six Sigma to help streamline your operations and ensure compliance and safety.  

Dietitian Labor Management: A partner with a commitment to advancing skills and driving the profession forward through a holistic approach to hiring, training, and retaining top talent.  

Thought Leadership: Partnership in performing and showcasing academic research that drives clinical nutrition science forward, benefiting your patients and enhancing your reputation. 

Safety & Outcomes: Identification of patient groups who need specialized clinical nutrition services, and the development and execution of specific programs designed to meet unique needs. 

Clinical Nutrition Resources 


Sodexo Dietitian at the Forefront of Nutrition Research for Transgender Individuals

Explore essential nutrition insights for transgender individuals from Sodexo’s expert dietitian, addressing health challenges and gender-affirming treatments.
White man doctor nutritionist with a male patient

Advancing Heart Failure Management: A Comprehensive Approach for Enhanced Patient Care 

Uncover the role of nutrition education and the importance of holistic care approaches in improving patient outcomes, reducing readmission rates and reducing patient and facility costs.  
Black woman doctor nutritionist in front of a laptop

Sodexo Transforms Patient Experience with CarePoint 

Discover how Sodexo implemented strategic solutions such as patient experience training, enhanced dining options and facility renovation in partnership with CarePoint Health to improve patient satisfaction and operational efficiency. 

More Healthcare Services

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    Healthcare Environmental Services + Ancillary Services 

    Ensuring a safe environment for patients and employees through environmental care and infection prevention. 
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    Retail Solutions 

    By creating experiences for healthcare staff and guests focused on smarter nutrition, comfortable environments and on-demand services that go Beyond Breaks. 
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    Healthcare Technology Management  

    Optimize patient care with our Healthcare Technology Management services. These tailored solutions ensure reliable, safe medical equipment promoting positive care experiences and minimizing risks. 
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    Nutrition & Wellness Center  

    Leverage the Sodexo Nutrition and Wellness Center and our telenutrition team to help your patients reach their nutritional health goals. 
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    Patient Experience 

    We put the patient where they belong – at the center of the care of experience – by combining the personal touch with the power of meaningful, real-time data. 
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    Facilities Management 

    Comprehensive facilities management services blend productivity, technology, and sustainability for a safe, reliable and efficient workplace. 

[1] Gomes F, Baumgartner A, Bounoure L, et al. Association of Nutritional Support With Clinical Outcomes Among Medical Inpatients Who Are Malnourished or at Nutritional Risk: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(11):e1915138. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.15138  

[2] Tian F, Heighes PT, Allingstrup MJ, Doig GS. Early Enteral Nutrition Provided Within 24 Hours of ICU Admission: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Crit Care Med. 2018;46(7):1049-1056. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000003152

Are you ready to redefine your healthcare services? 

We’re Your Trusted Healthcare Partner

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