Sodexo Shares CSR Achievements and Goals in Annual Report

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GAITHERSBURG, Md. (November 21, 2022) - Sodexo, a global food services and facilities management leader, has released its second annual sustainability and CSR report – “A Better Tomorrow: 2022 Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Report.” 

The report covers key performance indicators and achievements during the fiscal year 2022 related to Sodexo’s primary areas of focus: carbon reduction, plant-based food, food waste, food insecurity, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

Consumers have changed their purchasing preferences to reflect considerations of social and environmental responsibility, and at Sodexo, we are happy to be a leader in these changes. This report presents our actions toward our nine Better Tomorrow commitments — for individuals, communities, and the planet, Sodexo North America’s Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Jessica Synkoski said. We aim for transparency with this report, to share not only our successes but our struggles, and to share our learnings as an advocate and an ally for positive societal and environmental impact.

Some highlights from the report include: 

  • Since 2017, Sodexo has achieved a 37% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions and a 25% reduction in Scope 3 carbon emissions.
  • Sodexo spent $550 million with small businesses and supported 3,411 diverse and small suppliers in FY22.
  • 49% of all Sodexo managers in the United States are female.
  • The Humane Society of the United States awarded Sodexo an “A” on their Protein Sustainability Scorecard, citing Sodexo’s collaboration with HSUS to increase plant-based menu options and assessment of carbon emissions related to supply chain purchases.
  • Sodexo sites using WasteWatch powered by Leanpath increased by nearly 45%, and sites utilizing the tool saw reduced food waste of 53%.
  • 4.9 million direct and indirect individuals benefited from the Stop Hunger Foundation, Sodexo’s nonprofit dedicated to eradicating food insecurity. 


View the entire report


Contact Info

Jane Dollinger - (520) 247-9985


About Sodexo North America

Sodexo North America is part of a global, Fortune 500 company with a presence in 55 countries. Sodexo provides quality, multichannel and flexible food experiences, but also designs attractive and inclusive workplaces and shared spaces, manages and maintains infrastructure in a safe and environmentally friendly way, offers personalized support for patients or students and even creates programs fostering employee engagement. The company employs 90,066 people at thousands of sites in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam, and indirectly supports tens of thousands of additional jobs through its annual purchases of $20B in goods and services from small to large businesses. Sodexo North America is committed to focusing on tangible everyday gestures and actions through its integrated services to create a better every day for everyone and build a better life for all.



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