The San Diego Convention Center

Sodexo Live! has been the SDCC’s hospitality partner of choice in service to its guests and the community since March 1993. Our onsite management team’s approach to sustainability, coupled with their efforts to help their fellow citizens, makes this one of our venues most closely tied to it local community, and one with the highest customer retention rate.
The venue, on average diverts over 80 percent of refuse from landfills each year and achieved LEED Gold Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council in April of 2017. The kitchen, led by Executive Chef Daryl O’Donnell, has no garbage disposals and composts all leftover, inedible food. Leftover edible food is donated to the local rescue mission and food bank. In one year recently, we were able to donate the equivalent of over 85,000 meals.
The most frequent recipient of the Center’s food donations is the San Diego Rescue Mission - a non-profit homeless shelter and recovery center. Since 1955, the mission has served people who are homeless, addicted, abused, and impoverished through shelters, food programs, transitional housing, thrift stores, and other programs.