Delivering Smiles During a Challenging Time in College Admissions

people on a meeting looking at a laptop

About the author : Moses DeBord

Chief Operating Officer West, Sodexo Campus

College campuses are dynamic, constantly shifting with the seasons. We're used to the hustle and bustle of different departments gearing up for various events throughout the year, from welcoming new students to bidding farewell to graduates. However, there are times when departments face unprecedented challenges. Lately, the admissions and financial aid offices have been grappling with delays caused by new legislation affecting the student aid process.

Recent changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) have created processing delays. The federal government uses the FAFSA to assess families’ level of financial need and provide crucial information to colleges regarding students’ eligibility for financial aid. Colleges use that information to create financial aid packages for students, which they typically deliver well in advance of enrollment deadlines to ensure families have plenty of time to weigh their options. However, delays in processing at the federal level have created a domino effect throughout higher education, delaying enrollment decisions and requiring more flexibility than ever. The uncertainty of the process has caused a lot of stress for those working in admissions and financial aid.

A Small Gesture Goes a Long Way 

Recognizing the immense pressure faced by these departments, Sodexo campus dining teams decided to show their support with a small gesture to brighten everyone’s day. Many of our teams prepared a variety of treats and hand-delivered them to the admissions and financial aid offices on campus. Gift baskets and platters filled with fresh-baked pastries, cupcakes, cookies, muffins, and more were accompanied by hand-written notes recognizing how hard everyone has been working and thanking them for their contributions to the campus community.  

At Ohio Northern University, employees in the admissions and financial aid offices enjoyed a thoughtful gift basket brimming with novelty ice cream items and Bailey’s Irish cream brownies. A heartfelt thank-you card accompanied the basket and included a hand-written personal note from each dining manager. 

Similarly, at Eastern Nazarene College, the dining team arrived bearing pies and cupcakes. And at the University of Northern Colorado, the admissions team savored delectable lemon tarts and chocolate mousse, courtesy of the thoughtful gesture from the dining team.    


Finding Strength in Unity 

university-northern-colorado-admissions-teamThese acts of kindness were more than just sweet treats; they were symbols of solidarity and support, embodying Sodexo's commitment to being a true partner to the campuses we serve. In times of turmoil, such gestures remind us of the power of collaboration and the strength found in unity. By standing together and supporting one another, we reaffirm our shared mission to encourage resilience and create an environment of belonging on campus.