Enhancing Hospital Efficiency: RDs and Medical Teams


By: Alexia C. Edwards MS, RD, CDN, CNSC

Patient care coordination between nutrition and medicine at New York hospitals.

In the evolving landscape of healthcare, fostering seamless collaboration among separate care teams is the new gold standard. Interdisciplinary teamwork is essential. At University Hospital in Brooklyn, a new approach aims to enhance communication and collaboration between registered dietitians (RDs) and medical teams: Coffee Talks.

After eight years of experience as a dietitian, I've come to realize that effective patient care coordination thrives on the foundation of mutual understanding and familiarity among healthcare providers. And so, the concept of Coffee Talks emerged—an initiative aimed at facilitating casual yet informative interactions between RDs and various medical teams within the hospital.

The premise of Coffee Talks is simple. Each month, RD teams convene with a different resident team. This allows for a diverse range of medical specialties to engage with the nutrition department regularly. With about 9 resident teams in our hospital, each team gets its dedicated session, ensuring comprehensive coverage across all medical disciplines.

The primary objective of Coffee Talks is to foster relationships and familiarity between RDs and medical teams. By providing a relaxed environment conducive to learning and sharing, these sessions enable healthcare professionals to get to know each other on a personal level. This familiarity not only streamlines communication but also cultivates a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect essential for effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

Moreover, Coffee Talks serve as a platform for continuous learning and knowledge exchange. Leveraging the expertise of industry representatives, these sessions feature brief presentations on nutrition topics relevant to the respective medical specialties. For instance, a Coffee Talk with the surgery team might focus on the benefits of nutritional supplements for post-surgical healing. By integrating educational components tailored to specific medical practices, Coffee Talks offer valuable insights into the role of nutrition in patient care, thereby enriching the understanding of medical teams.

Implementing Coffee Talks in your hospital can yield numerous benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: By facilitating regular interactions between RDs and medical teams, Coffee Talks promote cross-disciplinary collaboration and facilitate smoother patient care coordination.
  2. Improved Patient Outcomes: A deeper understanding of nutrition among medical professionals can lead to more holistic treatment plans, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  3. Professional Development: Coffee Talks provide a platform for ongoing education and professional development, empowering healthcare professionals to stay abreast of the latest advancements in their respective fields.

To implement this model in your hospital, consider the following recommendations:

  • Establish a Schedule: Plan monthly sessions, rotating through different medical teams to ensure comprehensive coverage and sustained engagement.
  • Collaborate with Industry Partners: Leverage partnerships with industry representatives or nutrition providers to extend educational resources and support for the sessions.
  • Encourage Participation: Foster a culture of participation and engagement among healthcare professionals by promoting these sessions as opportunities for networking, learning, and collaboration.

Coffee Talks represent a simple yet powerful strategy for strengthening communication, fostering collaboration, and enhancing patient care within hospitals. By embracing this innovative model, hospital administrators can cultivate a culture of interdisciplinary teamwork that ultimately benefits both healthcare providers and patients alike.