Helping Kids Learn to Love Fruits and Vegetables


two chefs smiling and making something in a kitchenChef Michael Morris is on a mission: to raise healthy kids who love fruits and vegetables.

Research shows that less than 12% of kids eat enough vegetables and less than 50% eat enough fruit. That’s where school meals can help, says Chef Michael, Senior Manager of Culinary Offer and Implementation. It turns out students who are eligible for free or reduced-cost school meals eat healthier than their peers. (Parents also have a huge influence on kids’ tastes.)

School meals are a chance to train kids’ palates, says Chef Michael, who oversees recipe development and training for Sodexo's K-12 schools in North America. As chefs, we have a responsibility to drive consumption by creating flavors that are fun, fresh and flavorful.

Learning From Lunch

A kid smiling and carrying plate of food

Enter Edgy Veggies. Chef Michael and Senior Manager of Nutritional Systems, Stacie Reiter, recently unveiled a score of campaigns, each targeted by age, designed to make eating nutritiously enjoyable. Along with Edgy Veggies, the chefs have rolled out Mad Crops, Fire Fruit, Fresh Picks, and From The Garden! 

These campaigns introduce elementary students to plant-forward eating with exciting flavors. The goal is to make vegetables enticing, rather than relying heavily on meat substitutes.


“We don’t want to just give them raw baby carrots and ranch dip”, Chef Michael explained. “So, if it’s a carrot, it might be an apple-glazed baby carrot. For middle school, it might be a Moroccan-spiced carrot; for high school, a spicy Thai carrot. If you were to just go straight into the super spicy Thai carrot, it might be too much for young kids”.

Sodexo chefs want to build tolerance for flavors, especially spicy ones, over time without creating negative food experiences. They also aim to prepare students for more plant-based eating in college.

“Tandoori flavors, curries and Thai chilis are all popular, along with familiar foods like braised collard greens... Techniques like smoking, pickling, roasting and caramelizing also enhance flavor.” Of course, “we still serve burgers, hot dogs and chicken nuggets”, Chef Michael says with a smile.

“These efforts also align with a tendency among today's students to seek more adventurous flavors”, Chef Michael informs. “Their experience matches the retail environment. With more people eating out and popular food television programs and TikTok videos … all these things make it easy to see super-cool food.”

 The Bigger Picture On The Plate

It also makes it easier to see the impact of eating habits on our bodies, and on the planet. Generations Z and Alpha are also more attuned to environmental and health issues than previous generations, which has increased the popularity of plant-based eating with younger demographics.

In pursuit of Sodexo’s commitment to making 42% of our campus menu offerings plant-based by 2025, schools are serving up dishes such as black bean tacos, non-meat burritos and veggie burgers. “We’re looking at the environmental impact”, Chef Michael says.

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Plant-based dishes can also help save on food costs if chefs use fresh produce, as opposed to highly processed items or meat alternatives.

But Chef Michael also makes it clear that, “Ultimately, taste is key. If kids pass on an item or throw it away, it wastes both food and the opportunity to deliver nutrition. You can plan it, you can cook it, but if you’re not giving them a vegetable in the way they want to eat it, it doesn’t help their nutrition.”

Creating delicious food has another upside: employee satisfaction. Sodexo staff takes pride and ownership in making healthy food fun for kids. Chef Michael tells us, “You cook because you want the person eating that dish to be happy. There’s nothing like hearing, ‘Those were the best carrots or cauliflower!’ That’s joy”.

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Download Our Black Bean and Sweet Potato Taco Recipe