Rising to Success: The Journey of Sodexo Employees at Franklin and Marshall

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Through hard work, exceptional management, and the right resources, six Sodexo employees at Franklin and Marshall College advanced their careers, moving from frontline positions to management roles.

Our Sodexo site at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA has a unique story to share. Through hard work and determination, six of our employees transitioned from holding frontline positions to becoming managers across different departments. Let’s now dive into each employee’s journey from a frontline position to becoming a manager at Sodexo’s Franklin and Marshall site.

Keith Martin cardKeith Martin: In 2019, Keith Martin joined Sodexo at Franklin and Marshall as a nighttime supervisor, tasked with managing the floor, handling cash, and closing the café. His goal upon starting at Franklin and Marshall was to seize the opportunity for career growth within Sodexo and attain a managerial role.

Within three years, Keith achieved this goal. In 2022, he was promoted to Retail Manager, where he oversees three retail locations and Mein Bowl, an Asian market at the college. In this role, Keith supervises all hourly employees and a team of four supervisors, manages scheduling and cash, sets prices, promotes specials, and contributes to menu planning.

Reflecting on his tenure with Sodexo, Keith expresses, “I really enjoy the work-life balance that we have here. I believe it is very important to all employees that we understand that family life and work are equally important.”

Additionally, Keith emphasizes the importance of fostering a supportive work environment that prioritizes the well-being of employees.

carisha peters cardCarisha Peters: Carisha Peters commenced her tenure at Franklin and Marshall as a Catering Supervisor in 2004, ensuring seamless event setups, upholding established catering standards, and fostering strong client relationships.

Through years of hard work, Carisha earned a promotion to Retail Manager in 2022. This new role granted her additional responsibilities, including recruiting and training new staff, nurturing positive relationships with clients and employees, conducting performance evaluations, and leading diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within her district.

In her new role, Carisha shares that one of her significant achievements is “Building our DE&I platform within our unit and district and creating a welcoming work environment where employees can be themselves and grow professionally and personally.”

Carisha has always admired the familial atmosphere at the college, surrounded by supportive management and exceptional team members.

“I had some amazing mentors who helped shape who I am today and continue to give me the tools to grow personally and professionally,” Carisha shares.

andrew mendoza cardAndrew Mendoza: In 2010, Andrew Mendoza began working at Franklin and Marshall as a Catering Cook. Andrew assumed responsibility for all catering requirements, meticulously preparing, cooking, and assembling food tailored to the specific needs outlined in contracts. After 4 years of hard work in this role, Andrew was promoted to manager in 2014 and again in 2017. He now holds the title of Campus Executive Chef at Franklin and Marshall. His responsibilities in this role are to oversee the culinary aspects of the campus, create and prepare menus for the dining halls, manage financial metrics to gauge labor costs, supervise the food safety program, and increase production procedures through teaching, training, and mentorship to ensure proficiency.

Reflecting on his journey, Andrew remarks, “To see where the program was when I first started to where it has become today and having had a part in that is an accomplishment, I will always be proud of.”

In addition to this, Andrew highlights another significant milestone in his current role: fostering a cohesive culinary team dedicated to elevating the program and maintaining a positive work environment.

Andrew expresses that his favorite aspect of working for Sodexo at Franklin and Marshall is “bringing people together through the power of food, the relationships with my peers, and to be able to change the impression of institutional dining.”

kevin troup cardKevin Troup: When Kevin Troup began his journey as a Catering Wait staff employee at Franklin and Marshall in 2009, he sought a place where he could infuse creativity into his work and advance in his career. Sodexo offered him this opportunity. 

During his journey as a Catering Wait staff employee, Kevin learned how to provide excellent customer service to clients and guests, as well as manage events from start to finish.

Through perseverance and dedication, Kevin achieved his goal of advancement within the company, earning the position of Catering Director in 2023. In this role, he collaborates directly with clients to create memorable experiences and promote the success and mission of Franklin and Marshall College.

In his first month as Catering Director, Kevin orchestrated the successful execution of the college’s Homecoming Weekend and devised a new lunch menu tailored to accommodate clients’ budgetary constraints.

Kevin expresses his appreciation for working with Sodexo at Franklin and Marshall, highlighting that he most enjoys, “the people and the ability for everyone to come together and provide an excellent service and environment, where people can grow and succeed.”

jilly harris cardJilly Harris: Jilly Harris started at Franklin and Marshall as a Unit Marketing Specialist in 2017. Her role involved handling marketing efforts across campus, both in resident dining and retail dining. Jilly found joy in applying her creativity to her daily tasks and consistently exceeded expectations. Recognizing her dedication, she earned a promotion to Resident Dining and Marketing Manager in 2021.

As Marketing Manager, Jilly oversees the day-to-day operations of the main dining hall, coordinates resident and retail dining events, and holds a district champion role in marketing and sustainability. She has strengthened connections with student groups by organizing collaborative events and introducing new traditions, such as chef spotlights, and expanding international offerings. Jilly actively encourages students to share feedback through comment boards, fostering an environment of continuous improvement.

Jilly enjoys being creative and experimenting with new ideas to enhance the student experience. She particularly enjoys engaging with campus organizations to support students, especially those feeling homesick.

Throughout her tenure at Franklin and Marshall, Jilly has learned valuable lessons that have propelled her career forward. She attributes her success not only to her own hard work but also to the support and guidance of her peers.

“I would not be where I am today if it were not for my general manager, Drew Niemann. Drew saw something in me and has constantly pushed me to do my best and encouraged me every step of the way,” Jilly shares.

erik kessler cardErik Kessler: Erik Kessler joined Sodexo at Franklin and Marshall in 2007 as a Catering Supervisor. Tasked with overseeing all facets of catering events, including setup, staff management, and event breakdown, Erik embraced his responsibilities wholeheartedly.

Upon starting his journey at Franklin and Marshall, Erik’s goal was to build a new career path, following a transition from being a restaurant owner. Through unwavering dedication and perseverance, Erik’s efforts led to his promotion to Operations Manager in 2014. In this role, he assumed the responsibility of overseeing campus operations.

As Operations Manager, Erik introduced allergy-friendly and vegan options to campus venues, partnered with United Disabilities Services (a local non-profit aiding seniors and people with disabilities) and Church World Service Lancaster (a non-profit supporting refugees) to employ individuals with special needs and refugees, and helped launch MENU training for new managers. MENU training is Sodexo’s two-week training program in which newly hired managers go to units designated as centers for excellence where they are trained across a specific curriculum and learn best practices to take back to their unit.

Transitioning from the role of Catering Supervisor to Operations Manager posed its challenges, but with the guidance of General Manager Drew Niemann, Erik navigated this transition with relative ease.

Erik acknowledges the pivotal role of his general manager by stating, “None of what makes Franklin and Marshall a unicorn account would have happened without our General Manager Drew Niemann. He has mentored each of us by asking questions and giving us the tools to figure out the answers for ourselves.

The inspiring journeys of these six employees from frontline positions to management roles show that with hard work and determination anything is possible. Their stories highlight the important role of supportive management, helpful mentors, and available resources in promoting professional growth. With these elements, an environment is created where ambition is nurtured, and dreams are achieved, proving that with the right support and effort, there are no limits to what can be accomplished.

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